He was also a member of the the institute's special committee on financial reporting, headed by Edmund L. Jenkins.
The authority has a Board comprising nine members, headed by Bernie Fraser.
The Court consists of two Senates, each of which has eight members, headed by a senate's chairman.
The station is run by a committee of members, headed by the station manager.
She was a regular member of the Revue 20 headed by Claire Poole.
The Chapter activities are managed by a committee of elected members headed by the Chairman.
The administrative body of the association constitutes a team of seven members headed by the president, a general secretary and other office bearers.
Probably each family (represented by a truck) took on three or four "new members," then headed on to another job.
The administration of the school consists of nine members headed by the President.
The city corporation is ruled by the council of 100 members, headed by the Mayor.