Using the site's discussion boards, members can exchange advice on travel and business, or simply engage in conversation.
In the Weeks program, members may exchange their property's shared time for another week at an equivalent or lower value property.
In an adjacent room, some members of the team were shouting and exchanging angry words.
It also organizes events and provides a blog where members can exchange information.
A large database allows members to exchange and share the business information of more than 29 million contacts from over 4 million companies.
The members exchanged response papers and discussed them at the following meeting.
Hosting meetings where members can exchange ideas, solve problems, and discuss issues with other tax professionals in their area.
Online listserv allows members to exchange e-mails about the disease.
The members of the group exchanged looks among themselves.
Again, there was silence as the members of the Council exchanged glances, communicating without words.