Not long after this the different members drifted apart due to family and job commitments.
However, the members drifted into other projects and it became apparent that the band would not continue on together.
His were not the first allegations that its members were drifting toward arms.
The market was so abysmal that some members had drifted away.
Its members had drifted this way and that, some to return to their occupations, some to continue in the trade of war.
Though additional members have drifted in and out of the club, the original five remain.
Some members might drift away, and maybe one or two of them would talk.
Postmen split up in 2005 because the three members had drifted apart.
But they have been unable to agree on a single candidate, and some members are drifting away toward their own favorites.
The group avoided a formal break, but several members drifted away to form a new association of Social Democrats.