In addition, members must direct the training of fellow members in a variety of courses.
This process of "earmarking" funds for local priorities allows members to direct federal investments to projects that will benefit their communities.
A member of his staff directs this program.
The governor appoints a cabinet whose members direct a number of state regulatory agencies.
The members then direct the staff in marching, playing, and using guard equipment.
Each member who mooches contributes artwork or as directed by the originator and adds the book to their own inventory to be Mooched.
A distinguished member of the Cabinet drove down in a motor-car, and directed operations in a top-hat.
After their work had been divided up and the dinner plates cleared, some members of the group directed their ire at President Bush.
The members of the panel act independently and not as directed by the interests they represent.
In their residency, which is expected to last one academic year, the company's members have been teaching classes, directing student productions and choreographing dance recitals.