As an international fellowship, the member denominations are entirely independent and autonomous; however, they are united by shared beliefs and history.
National Association of Evangelicals - fellowship of member denominations, churches, organizations, and individuals.
Its 32 member denominations represent about 42 million American Christians.
Since 1975, the money contributed by member denominations to the council has declined by 53 percent when adjusted for inflation.
The senior pastor, Rev. W. Frank Harrington, was runner-up in the election for moderator of the then-2.9-million member denomination.
He also said he wanted to ask the member denominations what they thought the ecumenical movement could be and "then shape the N.C.C. to meet that need."
Japan Evangelical Association (JEA) is a fellowship of member denominations, churches.
As such, he oversaw race-relations programs and worked with 31 member denominations and about 620 local councils.
It had 39 member denominations from 25 countries in its membership, and those churches have about 12 million people together.
The church was a joint-stock company owned by the member denominations.