Some members bear tattoos with the number 13 on their hands and arms.
During hospitalization, members must bear a portion of the meal expense.
"No member of our little community bears any such worldly title."
It is a feature of other money purchase arrangements that the member bears all the investment and mortality risk.
Groups with a relatively small potential membership, or where some members can bear the costs of organization better than others, are highly mobilized.
Candidates and other members of the campaign must bear in mind that only one person should oversee the details of scheduling.
It must be made clear, for example, that our allies and the new members will bear their full share of the costs of expansion.
Clearly not all members of the Emergency Committee should bear identical responsibility.
I think members should bear in mind the costs of caving in to French blackmail.
This being so, I would be very grateful if my fellow members would bear these concerns in mind.