But several members assert that because of her full-time job, she has not been able to spend enough time or give enough focus to school issues.
The new members of the Simon campaign team assert that he has been underestimated throughout his political career.
The members asserted that any spending reductions and tax increases necessary to ease the Federal deficit "must not fall first on working Americans."
The role of the Eastern-bloc military alliance is diminishing as newly independent members assert themselves and ask the Soviets to leave their territory.
Federal administrators mismanaged a $25 billion contract for long-distance phone service, members of Congress asserted.
Its members, former Soviet republics, asserted control of military forces on their soil.
Johnson, several members of the Arizona Diamondbacks asserted, is human.
The Foundation and its members asserted standing based solely on their status as federal taxpayers.
Unique in the Netherlands, its members asserted their rights to use and regulate the land as a commons.
What counts, its members asserted, was the statement that had been made.