The members adhere to a strict code of conduct and maintain the utmost respect for ranks.
Like other national associations, it sets out standards of commercial behaviour to which its members voluntarily adhere.
Industry observers recommend prospective members adhere to these guidelines:
The code states that members "adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth."
There is a religious group in the Middle East whose members adhere strictly to their faith by giving the appearance of following some other practice.
The two largest plastic surgery associations said they strongly advise members to adhere to the guidelines.
However, parties have no requirement that political party leaders or members adhere to a particular religion.
Another group, the Financial Planning Association - - does not insist that its members adhere to this compensation structure.
Euromines' members have set forth and adhere to a series of guidelines for sustainable development in the European mining sector.
Ordo means the corporation, and its members, adhere to a the rules written in the codex.