It doesn't seem to me you're taking my ex-wife's melodramatic tale very seriously, yourself.
Mr. Russell milks a melodramatic tale peopled with agitprop characters exclusively for didactic ends.
Though some critics have found Mr. Franti's melodramatic tale hard to swallow, it represents a new step in contemporary political music.
Johansson expressed concern over the film being "such a melodramatic tale."
Its melodramatic tale involves the illicit love of Silvana, the daughter of a witch, for her stepson Donello.
And with the summer transfer window now open, the inevitable Cesc to Barcelona talk is once again playing out like a melodramatic tale of long-distance romance.
Both of these stories are melodramatic tales with a strong anti-Rosista political message.
In the hands of a lesser writer, this might have deteriorated into a melodramatic tale of family dysfunction.
It's the bittersweet, melodramatic tale of a beautiful young woman who comes to the big city (in this case Milan) to seek her fortune.
More often, Pepin, and the rest offered melodramatic tales that concluded after 6 to 18 months of daily episodes.