Some of the loveliest melodic and harmonic gestures ever written simply scooted by unsavored.
He described his own music as "textural," meaning that surface qualities tend to outweigh a precise pulse or obvious melodic gestures.
The ambiguity of key tempers the sentimental melodic gesture and makes sure that folk tunes don't take too nostalgic a turn.
There are Japanese elements in it, pentatonic melodic gestures and dance rhythms among them.
The marks of originality continue to show up in the trademark melodic gestures of the Andante.
The first movement begins with a quizzical descending melodic gesture, richly harmonized.
It's a broader melodic gesture, like singing to the back of the hall with arms wide open.
What melodic gestures there are have been assigned mainly to the brass players.
Strauss instead covers Couperin's melodic and harmonic gestures with thick coats of whimsy.
Paragraphs of sound were formed, creating large-scale structures that seemed to echo smaller-scale melodic gestures.