However, fourths become important later in the opera, especially in the melodic development.
There isn't room for much melodic development in the Lorries' sound.
Each maqam is built on a scale, and carries a tradition that defines its habitual phrases, important notes, melodic development and modulation.
Modulation is a technique used during the melodic development of a maqam.
An ascending ground bass in C minor forms the basis of the piece, with melodic development layered above.
It's a piece that is classical in technique, using strict melodic development and moving through several different moods and rhythms.
Each makam specifies a unique intervalic structure (cinsler) and melodic development (seyir).
Dhrupad styles have long elaborate alaps, their slow and deliberate melodic development gradually bringing an accelerating rhythmic pulse.
Haymaking songs evidence two distinct stages in their melodic development.
It includes swing and melodic development and sound.