I sometimes take a melatonin supplement to help me adjust to a new time zone, and sleep six or eight hours.
You can buy melatonin supplements without a prescription at health food stores, drugstores, and online.
The study has implications for humans, especially those taking melatonin supplements as a sleep aid, says Prendergast.
The sleep cycle regulates for these children when given the melatonin supplement.
By contrast, animals operated on in the same way, but given melatonin supplements, developed far fewer cancers.
Ask your doctor about taking melatonin supplements in the evening to help you get to sleep.
As in your case, we can also find melatonin supplements over the counter.
Dec. 10, 2004 - There is no evidence that melatonin supplements fix sleep disorders, a government study shows.
Seeking better sleep, many people have tried melatonin supplements.
They found no evidence that melatonin supplements help insomnia.