When caught early enough, melanoma tumors, which resemble moles, can be surgically removed and the cancer completely cured.
On men, melanoma tumors normally show up on the back, shoulders or belly, places that are usually exposed to strong sun only sporadically.
Placing the fat-enclosed genes in a hypodermic needle, the researchers will inoculate the material directly into one of a patient's visible melanoma tumors.
Using this model, eradication of a human melanoma tumor by in vitro generating CTL clone was accomplished.
Gray horses are at an increased risk for melanoma; 70-80% of gray horses over the age of 15 have a melanoma tumor.
Genetic manipulation of melanoma tumors may make them more vulnerable to attack by the immune system.
Rasagiline, an important monotherapy drug in Parkinson's disease, has melanin binding properties, and melanoma tumor reducing properties.
Years later, Marilyn developed a melanoma tumor on the same big toe!
Intratumoral injection of strain Italien was associated with complete tumor regression in 100% of mice bearing human melanoma tumors.
Leptomeningeal metastasis most commonly is due to breast, lung, or melanoma primary tumors.