The vineyard valleys changed to brooding forest and dark-water lakes that gave the land below a particularly melancholy aspect.
Alternatively, the true hard-core fan could follow his drinking career into its more melancholy aspects.
But with an acknowledgment of the melancholy aspect of life typical of a Russian, she noted there is an emotional cost to all this change.
As lovely as it was, however, it had an unmistakable melancholy aspect.
Our little town of Windsor, in which the survivors from the neighbouring counties were chiefly assembled, wore a melancholy aspect.
Although the best room of the inn, it had the melancholy aspect of grandeur in decay, and was much too vast for comfort.
He was about forty years of age, with a melancholy aspect, pale face, and soft luminous eyes.
Yin world, in its most melancholy aspect.
And the records' production quality, soaked with echo, brought out the worst, most melancholy aspect of the group.
I must admit I didn't, but I've since wondered if it accounts for some of the film's melancholy aspect.