The message is amplified by the melancholic tone of the lyrics mixing with the exuberance displayed in Bedingfield's voice.
His high, burnished voice has a delicate timbre and melancholic tone that can take some getting used to.
Many of the bands also share a low-key melancholic tone, regardless if it is electronic dance music or conventional guitar based pop.
All of the songs take up traditional and local styles, with some being of celebration, while others have sad, melancholic and sometimes mourning tones.
"The chemo, I call it the misery," he said in melancholic tone.
His Kronkels became very famous for their melancholic, sometimes sombre tone and the ironic use of formal language.
The idea of her death weighs heavily on the poet throughout the series, imbuing it with a melancholic, elegiac tone.
I read the novel a few years ago and remember enjoying being immersed in the melancholic tone of the story.
His mute, melancholic tone is very different from Bishop's crisp exactitude, but it gains particular point in her presence.