In contrast, people with melancholic depression generally do not experience an improved mood in response to normally pleasurable events.
Medication response differs between chronic atypical depression and acute melancholic depression.
Usually people with melancholic depression don't have the energy or the motivation to think about killing themselves.
In major, or melancholic, depression, positive changes will not bring on a change in mood.
However, tricyclic antidepressants still are probably more successful in treating melancholic depression than other antidepressant drug classes.
He committed suicide during a snowstorm whilst in the grip of melancholic depression.
When he returns home, Lane falls into a melancholic depression and loses hope for the future.
The incidence of melancholic depression has been found to increase when the temperature and/or sunlight are low.
Sometimes stressful situations can trigger episodes of melancholic depression, though this is a contributing cause rather than a necessary or sufficient cause.
Melancholia, or melancholic depression, is very severe (bad).