The original iPhone launched with a fixed-focus lens and a paltry (even for 2007) 2 megapixel sensor.
It used a 1.3 megapixel sensor and was priced at $13,000.
But the camera features a Kodak-developed, 37 megapixel sensor that measures 30 x 45mm.
Photobit eventually introduced a 500 frame/s 1.3 megapixel sensor, a device found in many low-end high-speed systems.
The front camera encloses a megapixel sensor capable of capturing HD video at 720p.
This camera has a 15.1 megapixel sensor, and so produces pictures that have a perfectly high enough resolution to show the required details.
On November 13, 2008, larger formats were announced, including a proposed expansion of up to 28,000 horizontal pixels, for a 261 megapixel sensor.
It features a 24.5 megapixel sensor, an ISO range of 50-6400, and a new image processing system.
The M8 was the first digital M introduced, featuring a 10.3 megapixel sensor.
The 1.3 megapixel sensor enables you to record high quality true to life videos.