This has been proposed by the Planning Commission chairman, Joseph B. Rose, * Opening factory zones to "mega" stores like Home Depot and Caldor, now limited to retail zones.
Perhaps the local councellors could stop taking bribes from the large supermarket chains to open mega stores that the locals oppose?
The Hiranandani Gardens, an integrated residential township, is one among the many residential complexes located here along with a number of luxury hotels, mega stores and the offices of several commercial institutions, such as CRISIL, Deloitte, Bayer among others.
In 1987, former Herman's World of Sporting Goods CEO Jack Smith made a pitch to Romney, and Bain joined several other backers to help Smith open nine sporting-goods mega stores.
Even as Mayor Giuliani's administration ponders zoning law changes that would let in ever more suburban-like, car-oriented mega stores and discounters, many neighborhood businesses worry that drivers will abandon stores on streets that are saddled with metered and time-limited parking.
People often drone on about how Tesco has killed of local businesses such as these, and how there large warehouse stores have destroyed high streets (both arguments that I agree with), but not much time is spent talking about how these mega stores have changed our interactions with the people we buy goods from.
There is also a large mall being constructed which will house together a multiplex, mega stores - Big Bazar, V Mart etc.
"Okay, get ready for those oversized bldgs, those mega stores, etc." It's always worked.
Or Virgin's Richard Branson, who launched a London bridal store in a wedding dress, rappelled off the roof of his new Vancouver mega store while uncorking a bottle of champagne and then later crash-landed in the Algerian desert in his hot-air balloon - all during the month of December 1996.
Party City currently operates nearly 800 stores nationwide, including several 12,000 square-foot mega stores.