The mega corporations have been jacking up pricing all along . . .
He is a right winger who thinks that "small government" should apply to military spending and foreign adventurism, and support for mega corporations too, not just social programs.
In some cases, the decisions regarding what is played comes from higher up the ladder, especially since so many radio stations are owned by mega corporations.
So the only prople that can profit from their inventions and patents are the mega corporations then?
In 2005, News Corp, Rupert Murdoch's mega corporation, purchased MySpace for around $580 million dollars.
I think with your electric shaver/phone and my automobile eletric blanket.we have the makings of a major mega corporation.
Eventually, CELL became a mega corporation and gained a monopoly over the world's power supply, and so used it to drive everyone into debt.
It is with the City, the Banks and mega corporations.
Because if true, it would mean that over half the planet was effectively a subsidiary of a single mega corporation.
Shadowruns story takes place in these areas, both the wilderness of the Salish-Shidhe and the pollution of Seattle, controlled by mega corporations.