It was the first time in many years that the subject had been raised at a meeting of American Catholic bishops.
A national meeting of American bishops in Dallas this June will focus on the response.
The pope arrived at the end of a weeklong meeting of Italian bishops on the eucharist, the sacrament of bread and wine.
Church councils are formal meetings of bishops and representatives of several churches who are brought together to regulate points of doctrine or discipline.
In 1991, Orthodox Christians did not attend a meeting of European bishops at the Vatican.
The cardinal was in Rome attending a meeting of European bishops.
A 1985 meeting of bishops from many countries had called for the summary, which would be the first comprehensive teaching guide for the entire church since 1566.
The cardinal was at the Vatican to help lead a worldwide meeting of bishops.
The action came after a two-day meeting of bishops.
A short time before Christmas 1871, he went to New York to attend a meeting of bishops.