After the local meeting had approved the couple's intention, an announcement would be made and posted in the market on market day.
The meeting ended in five minutes with all the bills submitted by the board approved.
This meeting also approved a circular letter which it is to be assumed canvassed for potential members.
The meeting also approved the establishment of a separate Ladies' Committee.
Once the next meeting has approved them, they form the official record of what happened and what was decided.
"If there's any money over, it is uiven to anyone who particularly wants to buy something that the meeting approves of."
The meeting also approved a position paper saying that German reunification is not on the party's agenda.
That meeting approved the bill, which became an Act of Parliament on 11 June 1792.
On 20 December a special meeting of the council approved the extension to River.
However, the meetings did approve the new chairman for the Executive Board.