"Ah, Sebell," said the Masterharper, for all the world as if he were welcoming his journeyman into his rooms at the Harper Hall instead of surreptitiously meeting on a dark meadow in early dawn.
So when we have babies we meet here in the Children's aspect of the wheel and surreptitiously exchange them, making up exogamous pairs that we then raise as siblings.
The tribal leaders began to meet surreptitiously, refusing to admit him to their discussions, and he was particularly disturbed when Akko, a young man no older than himself, was accorded preference.
Divorced from her son's father and without visitation rights, she and her son write letters to each other and meet surreptitiously.
He wanted to continue to meet surreptitiously and take our chances.
He heard that his daughter Anne was surreptitiously meeting a young man in Bosworth Park and resolved to put a stop to the liaison.
On 30 May, Rhodes and Levene met surreptitiously with Strummer after a 101'ers gig.
Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman in "Notorious" would not have needed to meet surreptitiously at park benches, but would have been able to Web-mail S O Ses to each other.
Later that day, at a lobster house on the outskirts of town, Gateworth and Tim meet surreptitiously to discuss their conspiracy to murder Olivia for her money.
There are increasing incidences when couples initiate contact on their own, particularly if they live in a foreign country; in one case, a couple met surreptitiously over a game of cards.