Call to executive director of Chrysalis to set a date to visit shelter and meet residents.
From these small gatherings, he said, he has come to know his neighbors personally, meet new residents and learn about their interests or expertise.
Along the way, she also meets past residents of Feather Star and supernatural beings.
Anna meets residents who have decided to emigrate from Gloucestershire and why they moved.
Many of the people attending the meeting said they felt relieved to meet residents from other boroughs who shared their problems.
The sheer volume of 911 calls - 4 million last year - makes it impossible for them to meet residents, they said.
"We've met other part-time residents, which is a real plus."
During the campaign, Mallek was noted for her extensive efforts meeting residents door to door to hear their concerns.
The trips visit the main archaeological sites and natural attractions and offer the chance to meet local residents.
The Mayor of London was out and about meeting residents in London again today.