For the first time all handguns manufactured or sold in California will have to meet minimum quality and safety standards.
For this purpose Foro Interno was conceived as a publication that would meet international criteria and quality in accord with the highest standards for scientific publications.
The Energy Star is awarded to only certain bulbs that meet strict efficiency, quality, and lifetime criteria.
The company provides a 24/7 help desk and patient web portals, and guarantees that transcription services will meet turnaround time and quality or will be free.
The new passports have more sophisticated security features, required to meet international quality and security standards.
In order to participate, all artists must provide proof of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe, and their work must meet strict quality and authentic materials standards.
In addition, the solution allows IT to automatically grow and shrink the allocated resources in order to meet quality of service targets.
Other springs in the region that met Roman quality and quantity guidelines were also equipped with aqueducts to feed the main line.
These new areas go through a process of validation to ensure they meet the thematic, quality, and balance/playability requirements of the game, and are then opened to all players.
They have more sophisticated security features required to meet international quality and security standards.