"I wanted to meet with the captain privately before I met with him publicly, if you catch my drift."
Weeks earlier, I cautioned A. that it was too risky to meet publicly.
Because of the great interest in our actions, we are meeting publicly rather than meeting individually, as has been our traditionally practice.
The plenary assembly must meet publicly at least every three months at the seat of the ayuntamiento.
The government is only publicly meeting now, but who knows what private phone calls and meetings could have been had by senior members of the government?
After publicly meeting for some time, media were asked to leave.
After more than two months of private negotiations, the conferees met publicly for the first time on Tuesday.
At the same time, he was wary of unnerving secular voters by meeting publicly with evangelical leaders.
The board meets publicly on a regular basis.
The "sunshine law" requiring governing bodies to meet publicly came out of a subcommittee she headed.