The iDaily Express worries ministers have made too many concessions - and are in danger of failing to meet their promise to make pensions affordable.
But as word seeps out that the grand strategy is failing to meet its promise, the market loses faith.
For example, FedEx Express has to be near customers to meet its promise of delivery by a specific time.
Federal immigration officials say they are making headway in meeting the president's promise, to cut naturalization paperwork to six months or less.
On paper, President Bush's budget seems to meet his promise of cutting the federal deficit in half by the time he leaves office.
Like many device makers, Palm has been slow in meeting its promise to offer a variety of uses for Bluetooth in the marketplace.
A depressingly compromised second LP from an artist yet to meet his early promise.
Hastings bought the land, and the county met its promise.
He met his promise to reduce Federal government activity by transferring responsibility for many welfare and social programmes to the states and the cities.
He has shown that he cares about the financial well-being of the city, and recycling has repeatedly failed to meet its financial promise.