Both parties said the critical question would be how or whether to hold the Iraqis responsible for meeting benchmarks of progress.
He promised significant pay raises for physicians, and in May 2009 fired 73 hospital managers for failing to meet contractual benchmarks.
But it poses a challenge for the Bush administration, which still wants the new government to meet benchmarks for normal relations.
The school acts as a transition program for ninth graders who struggled to meet benchmarks in eighth grade into a high school environment.
Admission to charters is usually by lottery, and the schools must meet certain academic benchmarks.
Under the settlement, the state must meet predetermined benchmarks for improvement in areas including caseload reduction and hiring.
It is encouraging that the Macedonian Government has established an action plan to meet benchmarks and a new national plan for the adoption of the acquis.
Meeting international benchmarks and standards.
The Afghan authorities and international community were urged to implement the "Afghanistan Compact" fully and meet benchmarks.
The bonds will have a face value of 5 million yen and will pay no interest, but can be converted to stock if Sony's shares meet certain benchmarks.