He met his match tonight against the beast of the division and got run off the road.
The lodge was established in 1873, to meet the needs of a large working class population without protection against injury, illness or other hardships.
Our women would not have placed well if they had competed in meets against them.
Some mobile casual games allow players to meet and compete against each other.
We meet against the backdrop of a gradual improvement in the overall global economic outlook.
Recent efforts to increase habitat protection met with strong official opposition, and violence against the proponents.
They worry that Equitas, even with $19.5 billion in total reserves, will not have adequate resources to meet claims against it.
Request an additional 67 permanent personnel authorizations to meet national efforts against terrorism.
The Boys Team has won 42 consecutive meets against public school competition, dating back to the second meet of the 2008-2009 season.
They met at a horse auction, bidding against each other.