The owners and players are scheduled to meet Thursday in Manhattan for their first bargaining session since Aug. 6.
With pressure growing to limit oil production, ministers from eight OPEC nations will meet Thursday for further talks on disarray in the oil market.
"There's a certain amount of passion," he acknowledged, sitting in his room at the Vista International Hotel, where the owners are meeting today and Thursday.
The owners are scheduled to meet Thursday in Chicago to discuss Vincent's status.
The owners meet tomorrow and Thursday and are expected to approve the Red Sox sale tomorrow.
Meets at 7 P.M. every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday throughout the year.
Syracuse and Florida will meet Thursday in the East Regional semifinals at the Meadowlands.
Commission and 3M officials were scheduled to meet Thursday in Glen Ellyn, Ill., over issues surrounding the failure of the devices.
United Nations officials are meeting today and Thursday with representatives of Mr. Turner to discuss areas in which the new foundation will work.
The owners will meet Thursday in Chicago to discuss the television deal.