On 10 March 1940, Ribbentrop visited Rome where he met Mussolini, who promised him that Italy would soon enter the war.
There was supposed to be a reception to meet Mussolini.
Göring met Mussolini, who expressed an interest in meeting Hitler, who was by then in prison.
Nehru refused to meet Mussolini, the dictator of Italy when the latter expressed his desire to meet him.
During the 1930s he was an adviser to the government at the major international meetings, and met Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin.
She first met Mussolini in 1912, and was one of the masterminds behind fascism's pompous celebration of ancient Rome.
During the war he flew a squadron bomber to Rome and met Mussolini.
Martino never did get to meet Mussolini.
The day is May 8, 1938, the day when Hitler visited Rome to meet premier Mussolini.
Second was a trip to Rome to meet Mussolini.