He also managed to meet Lisa during this period.
He talks about how he met Lisa and that she made the darkness within him disappear and that he was happy with her like never before.
From the moment I met Lisa, I never had any problems spelling the Verhovek name, exactly as it sounds.
I was surprised when 1 met Lisa for the first time.
Because he'd met Lisa first.
He wanted to go home, change into more casual wear, and then be on his way up to the Claremont to meet Lisa as quickly as possible.
That night, at a dance in the old city, Jarrett met Lisa.
Bobo meets Lisa at the cafe and she asks him why he was so aggressive towards her initially .
But you can meet Cleo, too, and Lisa and Vixen.
While at the home, Mr. Burns meets Lisa again, and begs her to help re-build his empire.