She meets Chloe at school and they become friends.
Chance and Ronan, who had gone to meet Chloe at Jimmy's the day Heather was attacked, get into a nasty fight.
That was the night Buck met Chloe.
Comin' over here for somebodyyou've never met, well, at least you, Chloe.
Colin meets Chloe at a party Chick invited him to.
Eugenio graduated in 1955 and that same year he went to Paris where he met Chloe and married her in 1958.
I would have liked to have met Chloe, but you probably would have felt obligated to tell her you once nearly fell for me.
Then he'd met Chloe, who'd given him a thousand reasons to live.
He couldn't wait to meet Chloe, the brain behind the International Commodity Co-op.