CapEx : CapEx database provides information and insights on the new capacities coming up in India in the near or medium-term future.
This means that it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered, but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future.
However, growth prospects for the near and medium-term future are quite weak.
But now the medium-term future of the new federation was becoming more clear, the precedents and balance of powers were clarified.
But it is the right now, not even the medium-term future, that matters to tour operators who have been battered for so long by poor snow cover and a shrinking market.
The potential is there, in the medium-term future.
This debate in which we are discussing the policy's medium-term future is just the most recent example of these efforts.
You are signalling that you want to secure a medium-term future for a cohesion policy before the end of the year.
That is how we probably will see the medium-term future.
Vulnerable means a species faces a high risk of extinction in the medium-term future, which could be 100 years or so depending on the species.