MANMAN had a six-figure price and was aimed at small and medium-sized manufacturers.
Companies The shakeout in the $60 billion PC market threatens medium-sized manufacturers like Zeos and Advanced Logic Research.
THE Republican Party is showing more and more signs of returning to its roots as the party that protects small and medium-sized manufacturers from foreign competition.
Provides eligible small- and medium-sized manufacturers with no-cost energy assessments.
In fact, their growth is being held back by a shortage of skilled workers, according to the Connecticut Skilled Trades Coalition, which represents small and medium-sized manufacturers.
Small and medium-sized manufacturers - those with an average of 60 employees each - number nearly 6,000 in Connecticut.
Small and medium-sized manufacturers are 25 percent less productive than big companies, a 1990 Census Bureau study found, largely because they are half as likely to use computer-controlled equipment.
The company has had thousands of mostly small and medium-sized manufacturers and distributors sign onto Industry.Net.
The company markets washing machines and dryers which it imports from a medium-sized Italian manufacturer.
Programs include free energy auditing for small and medium-sized manufacturers.