It is a medium-size tree to 25-35 m tall, with a trunk up to 2 m diameter.
Bauhinia purpurea is a small to medium-size deciduous tree growing to 17 ft tall.
It is a medium-size tree to 20-25 m tall, with a trunk up to 3 m diameter.
It is a medium-size tree, growing to 25-30 m tall, and is rare in the wild, occurring only as scattered trees in mixed forests.
It is also a medium-size tree to 25-30 m tall, and like C. formosana, is rare in the wild.
'Commodore' is a medium-size tree with clear yellow foliage, occasionally flushed red, in autumn.
Aralias are small- to medium-size indoor trees with rounded to deeply cut leaves, often variegated in white or yellow.
It is a small to medium-size tree (unlike most other Gnetum species, which are lianas), growing to 15-20 m tall.
Its species are shrubs, vines and small to medium-size trees up to 20 m tall, with evergreen foliage.
They are small to medium-size trees, reaching 10-30 m tall, or sometimes small shrubs.