The league began with four teams of 15, playing in medium-size cities in the industrial Midwest.
The area, which includes the medium-size city of Arlington, has 693,000 employed workers.
One indication is the size of the 20,000-seat stadium, which seems more appropriate to a medium-size city than to a town of 30,000.
The growth has created adjustment problems across the region, particularly in small- and medium-size cities that have little experience with foreign cultures.
"We were a medium-size city, but we made our own headlines."
You couldn't have that many rogue master vampires running around one medium-size city.
A monthly magazine with a circulation of about 230,000, Hemmings looks like the phone book for a medium-size city.
It is not surprising, medical researchers say, that medium-size cities and suburban areas produce the best emergency response times.
So how did a prosecutor in a medium-size city end up pursuing and winning two of the country's largest asbestos cases?
The student from a rural community could spend a few weeks at a college in a medium-size city before entering the large urban university.