Zen-trained meditation masters produce noticeably more alpha waves during meditation.
Later he is said to have met an old meditation master, known only as "White Head", who worsted Dharmakṣema in a debate that lasted ten days.
He had opportunities to meet several meditation masters and his enthusiasm in pursuing Dhamma (the Truth) continued to strengthen.
Luangpor Teean Jittasubho was a forest monk and a contemporary meditation master.
Swami Muktananda, regarded as one of the 20th century's great Indian meditation masters, says in his book, 'Where are you going?'
Imagine how these individuals would react if they abruptly saw their friends, neighbors, and loved ones becoming 'meditation masters' overnight!
Kalu Rinpoche (1905 - May 10, 1989) was a Buddhist monk, meditation master, scholar and teacher.
He equipped the monastery with all the facilities conducive to the meditative life, found an accomplished meditation master, Ven.
Among his teachers at this time was Ajahn Mun, a renowned meditation master in the Forest Tradition.
She also studied meditation for 30 years, and is known as a meditation master.