Just once I'd like to read a GUblogicle addressing the fact that just as good readers are ill-served by mediocre or crappy writers, great books... etc.
While mediocre writers are not being widely included in the usual English courses, the content of many courses would surprise some of those who studied literature only two decades ago.
Little known in the 21st century, Sycamber was a prolific but "rather mediocre" writer.
That is when he thought: "If you do not want to be mediocre writer, you should return to your village and write in Rajasthani."
Yes, we have excellent writers and terrible writers in the U.S., too, but our middle group, mediocre yet adequate writers, is larger than either extreme.
War is a great opportunity for mediocre writers and artists.
"If he is a mediocre writer he will live forever."
I can tell one writer from another and I tell you that a mediocre writer has a long span of life.
At the same time, the movie makes it clear that Prevel is a mediocre writer of vast pretensions.
Great dramatists and novelists - whether literary or mediocre writers but magnificent at plotting - seem most effective at shocking us out of our apathy.