Occitan was the vehicle for the influential poetry of the medieval troubadours.
Descended from the medieval troubadour and chapbook tradition of European literatura de cordel has been published in Brazil for over a century.
It was the possibly birthplace of Aimeric de Peguilhan, a medieval troubadour, although this is debated.
He plays a bumbling medieval troubadour in the 1956 movie, which does plod here and there through its 101 minutes.
"I feel like a medieval troubadour being sent to sing for kings and peasants."
Furthermore, there was a recovery of the splendid works in Galician by medieval troubadours ), the Cantigas.
With her short swinging hair, she looked like a medieval troubadour.
Popularized by the medieval troubadours, the point of Courtly Love was that it was never consummated.
The town was also the birthplace of Raimon Vidal, a medieval troubadour.
A catfight ensues with a Kiss-lover who rhapsodizes like a medieval troubadour about Gene Simmons's tongue.