Galley slaves did not exist in medieval Venice, the oarsmen coming from the city itself or from its possessions, especially Dalmatia.
Perhaps we shall become fabulous and great, like medieval Venice or the East India Company.
Novgorod was always ethnically diverse and rivalled medieval Venice in its far-flung trading links.
"Each courtyard in medieval Venice would have one."
They live in a city called Camorr, heavily based on late medieval Venice.
In medieval Venice, they had summoned a "demon" called Mastho, who had given them certain ideas that had resulted in the creation of a time-sensitive aspect of humanity.
They feature the typical inverted cone chimneys of medieval Venice.
He was gathering technical information for his historical novel Marietta (1901), that describes glass-making in late medieval Venice.
Exotic substances began arriving in medieval Venice, brought through overland trading routes and via Arab mariners across the Indian Ocean.
Some of them feature the typical inverted cone chimneys of medieval Venice.