The Maasai people of Kenya use this plant as a medicinal remedy for wounds.
Physicians were forbidden to double as pharmacists and the prices of various medicinal remedies were fixed.
Various parts of this plant were used by several Native American groups as medicinal remedies and sometimes as food.
Multiple sources recommend multimodal treatment, which is a combination of medicinal and non-medicinal remedies.
It consisted of detailed drugs descriptions, medicinal remedies, practical methods for preparing medicine from roots.
Some holy medicinal remedies are believed to contain the essence of Snow Lioness milk.
However, these baths were used not only for relaxation purposes, but often also as medicinal remedies for various illnesses.
Recipes for old medicinal remedies are etched into the glass windscreen in the passenger shelter, while traditional medicine plants grow around the station.
Many European liqueurs or digestifs were originally medicinal remedies.
Garlic is an extremely potent medicinal remedy; it is also a food in wide circulation.