Anticholinergic medications - for example, dicyclomine - slow the action of the bowel and reduce the amount of stomach acid.
Because these medications slow the action of the bowel by relaxing the muscles and relieving spasms, they are said to have an antispasmodic action.
Narcotic drugs and anticholinergic medications slow the action of the bowel and can thereby help alleviate diarrhea.
At only 55 years of age, Jan's life began to slowly deteriorate, and while medications slowed the disease, they could not conquer it.
This medication may also slow breast milk production.
However, this medication may slow breast milk production.
"Goddamned medications slow your brain down," Ryan said mainly to himself.
Although there is no cure for MS, many available medications can reduce its severity and slow its progression.
There is no known cure, but medication may slow the progression so that a normal lifespan and quality of life may be attainable for many patients.
However, the type and extent of a cancer determines how effectively this medication slows or stops the growth of cancer cells in the body.