If you've already had one cold sore, it's wise to keep a medicated cream handy.
"I'll put some more medicated cream on your wrists and ankles after you finish your toast."
To examine them more closely, it pushed aside a jar of medicated cream.
Occlusion helps keep the area moist and increases the effectiveness of medicated creams.
There was even a tube of medicated cream, and she dabbed that on the raw places on her feet.
Do not use any medicated cream, like hydrocortisone or benzocaine, unless it is recommended by the child's doctor.
At times they kept exchanging the bandages with different medicated creams and liquids.
You may need a medicated cream to clear it up.
The internist prescribed a medicated cream, but it didn't help.
Occlusion keeps the area moist and can make the medicated creams work better.