That can be proven medically.
To others, Brum's spectacular suicide suggested the presence of elements of mental instability, which, however, was not medically proven.
It is commonly perceived to be especially present amongst Han Chinese; however, this is partially due to legend, and is not entirely medically proven.
The trait is commonly perceived to be widely present among Han Chinese, although this has not been medically proven.
Local fields of this type have been medically proven to cause responses in the temporal lobes of the human brain.
"I don't know if that's been proven medically, but when you start hearing stuff like that, that's not going to help your baseball career."
It was medically proven before you were born.
As is medically proven, steroids promote weight gain.
It has been medically proven that pessimism raises one's blood pressure.
"None of these procedures have been medically proven."