This snail is a medically important pest, because of transferring the disease schistosomiasis.
"But those things aren't important medically, and they are part of what produces the savings."
Researchers want to manipulate such eggs in the laboratory for medically important reasons.
Though important medically, it had other uses as well.
For the last three years, the European Union has tightly regulated animal antibiotics related to those used in human medicine, which are called medically important.
The species has since been firmly established as a medically important species.
In recent years cone snail venom is showing great promise as a source of new, medically important substances.
To accelerate the process, Congress should ban the routine use of medically important antibiotics in livestock.
It also may unnecessarily raise questions about the safety and effectiveness of this medically important product.
The fungus has a worldwide distribution, but its frequency as a medically important pathogen is not fully known.