They are two of the six players who have asked for a medical waiver, hoping to remain eligible for the Olympic team.
Mr. Patterson says he tried to meet several conditions imposed by the Agriculture Department to get the medical waiver.
Under the current rules of the figure skating association, a medical waiver cannot be granted unless a skater has won a medal at the previous year's world championships.
Those who fail the assessment may apply for a medical waiver.
Advocates for immigrants have complained for years about the way the agency handles medical waivers.
Some questioned the decision because Eldredge did not compete at the 1992 nationals, having been given a medical waiver because of a bad back.
Bernotas earned a medical waiver to competed in the 2009-10 Skeleton World Cup season following a leg injury suffered during training.
No person will be offered admission if he or she does not meet the physical standards of the Academy unless awarded a medical waiver.
Williams sought a medical waiver for Bobek at the national championships, and a bye to the world championships.
(Because of a medical waiver, Palmer is still a sophomore.)