Mount a sweep, call it a medical quarantine, it's simple but effective, even acceptable.
Then, as soon as his affairs were in order, a member of his family contracted scarlet fever and he was forced to spent a month in medical quarantine.
It would also remove the Surgeon-Lieutenant from the scene and thereby make it possible for Lioren, whose injuries were healing well, to escape the little Nidian's irksome medical quarantine.
As a result, Garridan was forced to wear a containment suit, allowing him mobility yet keeping him in perpetual medical quarantine.
After medical quarantine and recovery he returned to his squadron.
"We've been sent to maintain the medical quarantine," the captain continued.
Report the location to this department, request Monitor security assistance and a medical quarantine, and remain with the entity concerned until Dr. Prilicla arrives to confirm the presence of the virus.
No medical quarantine, no tests-just an offering of food and drink and some general information.
He cut across Ekaterin's beginning objection: "I may well need one spokesperson along who isn't in medical quarantine."
I'm ... supposed to be under medical quarantine.