That $6 you brought home from the extra hour costs you about $10,000 worth of health insurance and medical payments.
In that case, it may be worthwhile to buy an individual renter's policy to cover liability, medical payments and personal property.
President Bush, meanwhile, may be drawn into a contentious debate over the basis of medical payments.
By some estimates, nearly three billion medical payment claims a year are already being processed electronically, as hospitals, insurers and government administrators exchange data.
Does the insurance company guarantee medical payments abroad?
As a trade-off for this guaranteed medical payment, the law has provisions that are supposed to curb the lawsuits, but they have proved ineffective.
In "no-fault" states, personal injury protection replaces medical payments as part of the basic coverage.
In the nation's fee-for-service system of medical payments, the more procedures that are done, the more money a specialist or a hospital receives.
Stark evidence that high medical payments do not necessarily buy high-quality patient care is presented in a hospital study set for release today.
That means in case of an accident a biker's medical payments and lost wages are not covered.