Often, these trials are limited to patients who have not responded to existing therapies, "refractory" patients in medical parlance.
In medical parlance the diameter of a lesion is the longest line segment whose endpoints are within the lesion.
What is a prognosis in medical parlance?
At 42 she is, in medical parlance, of "advanced maternal age."
Or, in medical parlance, a strictly stract structure.
In medical parlance, cardiac arrest is referred to as a "code" or a "crash".
In the best medical parlance, surgery, at this moment, is contra-indicated.
In medical parlance, that circumstance is referred to as "true, true and unrelated."
In medical parlance, there would have to be an "exchange of bodily fluids" for him to infect my children.
"You're fortunate that all you had this time was what, in medical parlance, we call a dingwally of a tummy ache."