Lord's surgical kit eventually was recovered from the Indians and sent to the Army's medical museum.
The medical museum was very important and a lot of effort was put into creating something impressive.
"If this were a medical museum and the first contributions were from doctors, would you have the same reaction?"
Siriraj Hospital has a number of exhibits in a medical museum that is open from 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Saturday.
This museum is special and meaningful since it is the first of its kind among all the medical museums in the world.
There are plans to reopen the building as a medical museum.
But it came above all from the medical museums that were created at the end of the 19th century in Paris, Turin and elsewhere.
These objects are displayed in dark cases that evoke 19th-century medical museums, not to mention Victorian repressiveness.
If you get there before five, you'll be able to tour the medical museum at Johns Hopkins-a favorite of mine.
This was the first medical museum in the United States.